URL Encode and Decode


About URL Encode and Decode Tool

URL Encode and Decode is a simple tool that encodes a URL into browser friendly format and decodes an encoded URL

URL encoding is also called percentage encoding. URL encoding encodes the special symbols in the URL into percentage symbolic values. This method is used to encode URL before HTTP request submissions.

Easy to Use

URL Encode and Decode Tool is very easy to use. Just type or paste the URL in the text area and click on "Encode" or "Decode" buttons depends on the type of conversion you want to use. The result will be displayed in the "Result" text area. Our tool also provide feature copy the result on just click of a button. Click on "Copy" button to copy the result into your clipboard. That's all!

Completely Free

Our tool is complete free to use and there is no hidden cost involve. You don't even need to download any software for such tasks.

Safe and Secure

All communications with our servers are made through secure SSL encrypted connections (https). We do not keep or inspect the contents of the entered data or uploaded files in any way. Read our privacy policy for more details.

Details of the URL encoding

An URL contains both reserved and unreserved characters. Reserved characters are those which have some special meanings.
For Example:

  • A forward slash (/) in an URL seprates different parts of the URL
  • A question mark (?) separates the query strings from the from URL
On the other hand, unreserved characters have no such meanings. Using URL encoding reserved characters are represented as special symbols. Following are list of reserved characters according to RFC 3986 section 2.2 Reserved Characters (January 2005)
! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? # [ ]